Wyle, Florence – Art Books, Monographs and Biographies

Wyle, Florence

And Beauty Answers: The Life of Frances Loring and Florence Wyle
by Elspeth Cameron
Cormorant Books Inc (2007)
ISBN-10: 1897151136
ISBN-13: 978-1897151136
Amazon.com about the book: “All but forgotten, Frances Loring and Florence Wyle were major forces in establishing Canadian sculpture and the style of Canadian national monuments. Frances and Florence met in 1906 at the Chicago Art Institute, where Florence was a teacher and Frances a student. Immediately forming a connection that would endure the rest of their lives(…)”

The Girls : A Biography of Frances Loring and Florence Wyle
By Rebecca Sisler
Publisher: Toronto Clarke, Irwin & Company 1972
ISBN Number: 0772005788

NB! The fact that an artist is mentioned in Feminine Moments’ bibliography it is of course no guaranty that she will be lesbian, bisexual or queer tomorrow, nor that the authors of the above books are “out and proud” in their writings…