
GenderBlender, June 6 – Augustus 17, 2014

at MU
Emmasingel 20
5611 AZ Eindhoven, Holland

“Femininity, masculinity, and everything in between. With GenderBlender MU and guest curators/artists Hanneke Wetzer and Leonie Baauw are focusing on the sliding scale between 100% XX and 100 % XY chromosomes, between male and female.” The exhibition features films, photographs, installations, sculptures, drawings, and performances and the curators challenges and questions our notions about what gender is and how people express their genders. The artists include “Silvia B., BeAnotherLab, Heather Cassils, Matthijs Holland, Hannah Honeywill, Han Hoogerbrugge, Rad Hourani, JJ Levine, Marie Losier | Genesis P. Orridge & Lady Jaye, Roland Maas, Gabriel Maher, Tareq Sayed Rajab de Montfort, Mr and Mrs Murray, Anaisa Franco Nascimento, Barbara Nordhjem, Hana Pesut, Willem Popelier, Pyuupiru, Emmet Ramstad, Sven Ratzke | Dennis Veldman, Coco Riot, Antoine Timmermans | Tim Lienhard, Petra van Velzen, Charlotte Vlaanderen, Rein Vollenga, Wetzer & Baauw and Charlie White.”

July 2 – 9, 2014 Weekend Special: GenderBlender

The queer gender blending weekend programme features workshops, conference, films and performances. See the full programme as in this post I’ll only highlight the GenderBlender conference.

GenderBlender Conference

The conference takes place on July 4th, 13:00 – 17:00 at Natlab auditory, Natlab, Kastanjelaan 500, Eindhoven, “with lectures by prof. Uta Brandes about gender and design, artist Heather Cassils who uses her body as a sculptural mass, artist Hannah Honeywill about her research about letting go of gender and the distinction between male and female as a guiding principle in our society and a debate about the remarkable website This afternoon you can also enjoy various performances and films.”

Enjoy you summer in Eindhoven!