UCA Inaugural Lecture: Birgitta Hosea

Birgitta Hosea is an artist, queer woman, curator and practice-based researcher. Currently Professor of Moving Image and Director of the Animation Research Centre at the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham in England. In her Professorial Inaugural Lecture, she talks about her creative practise.

Virtual Lecture with Patricia Cronin

Video (1:23:16): introduction by Orlando Science Center about the exhibition of ‘Pompeii: The Immortal City’ and lecture ‘Aphrodite and the Lure of Antiquity’ by Patricia Cronin.

Victoria Munro: Queering Memory and the Alice Austen House (2019)

Video (18:54): Victoria Munro, excecutive director of Alice Austen House (on Staten Island, New York) talks about her job of queering the memory of lesbian photographer Alice Austen and the redecoration and transformation of Alice Austen House to a National LGBT Historic Site.

Joan Snyder at The New York Studio School (2013)

Video (43:38) this lecture with queer feminist painter Joan Snyder was recorded in 2013, presented as a part of the Spring 2013 Evening Lecture Series at the New York Studio School and published on Youtube May 2020.

Art after Stonewall, 1969-1989

Video (55:05): introduction by Nannette V. Maciejunes, executive director and ceo of Columbus Museum of Art and presentations by Jonathan Weinberg and Anastasia Kinigopoulos from the opening of ‘Art after Stonewall, 1969-1989’ on 03.05.2020.

Annie Drew on Painter Agnes Martin

Video (11:09): Annie Drew made this video about Painter Agnes Martin (1912–2004) on the occasion of Agnes Martin’s Birthday, March 2020.

Roni Horn at UMCA Jan 30 2020

Video (1:01:46): Roni Horn in Conversation with Dr. Julie Brigham-Grette and William Daniels; moderated by Professor Shona Macdonald, January 30, 2020.

Artist Talk by Patty Chang (2015)

Video (23:27): Artist Talk by Patty Chang. Patty Chang is known for provocative performances that challenge social behaviours and stereotypes; American performance and video artist Patty Chang presented her artist talk and performance at Connecting Space Hong Kong on 10 December 2015.

Feminist Perspectives on Julie Mehretu

Video (1:07:54): alongside the ‘Julie Mehretu’ retrospective at LACMA, California, USA, a programme was organised which among others featured a panel debate, where the participating black feminists were invited to discuss the exhibition and Julie Mehretu’s oevre as a visual activist.