Amsterdam: Pride6 – Pride and unPrejudiced

There is a wonderful group show opening on gaypride weekend, August 7, 2011, from 1 – 6 pm. It promises to be even better than the past 6 gay/lesbian expositions at the ABCTreehouse with new and favorite artists.

Garbo, The Icon

A special group exhibition event at the ABC Treehouse in Amsterdam, Holland will be celebrating the winter holidays and the return of the popularity of handmade gift-giving. The exhibition is titled ‘A Handmade Holiday’. Among the artists presented at this exhibition is queer sculptor Chantz Perkins.

50 / 50 Pausing for Reflection

50 / 50 Pausing for Reflection
Sculptures of Chantz Perkins, 10 April – 30 May, 2010
Opening: Sunday, April 11, 2010, 4 – 6 pm
ABC Treehouse, Voetboegstraat 11, 1012 XK Amsterdam, Holland