Trailer – Gray Matters (2016)

Video (1:55): A trailer about ‘Gray Matters’ – Marco Orsini’s documentary. The film explores architect and designer Eileen Grays story.

A brief introduction to Eileen Gray

Video (23:11): a video biography about Eileen Gray (1878–1976). With each passing year Eileen Gray becomes more important in defining the history of modernism.

Eileen Gray (1878-1976)

Kathleen Eileen Moray Gray (August 9, 1878 – October 31, 1976) was an Irish furniture designer and architect and a pioneer of the Modern Movement in architecture.

Modern Women – Women Artists at The Museum of Modern Art

The landmark publication ‘Modern Women: Women Artists at The Museum of Modern Art’, in which the museum now openly discusses gender issues, and how instrumental women have been in advancing the arts to where they are today, is the greatest piece of art news, which I have heard in 2010.

Hall of Fame: Eileen Gray

Irish designer and bisexual Eileen Gray (1878-1976) has designed furniture, rugs and lacquered screens, which now sells for millions of Euros. She was post modern before the word was invented.