Amie LeeKing: Mirror Image

Video ‘Mirror Image’ (3:30 min.) by Amie LeeKing, 2010

Amie LeeKing introduces herself in the video below. Enjoy the short artist talk!

About Amie LeeKing

Photographer and queer woman Amie LeeKing was born in Michigan, USA. She earned her MA of Photography at University of the Arts, London, UK in 2010. She has been showing her works in USA, Canada and England. She writes about her video Mirror Image, “I am interested in when words fail; when they cannot convey what needs to be said. They are not enough. What happens when expectations are not met, when we experience desire and loss. In turn, how internal landscapes manifest themselves physically – small gestures that illustrate internal struggles and tensions.”

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Amie LeeKing’s online portfolio