Entzaubert Queer Film Festival in Berlin

Vagina Bomb, Freya Steadman 00:37

Berlin August 2-5, 2012 Entzaubert Queer Film Festival
Entzaubert is a annual radical queer d.i.y. film festival which has taken place at the queer wagenplatz Schwarzer Kanal in Berlin since 2007. The festival team writes at their website that they:

“aims to bring queer artists and filmmakers together, focusing on do-it-yourself-video, on the work of filmmakers with little or no budget, who do not find places to show their work in the mainstream film industry,
to give people the opportunity to watch films who normally don‘t go to film festivals,
to share experiences and learn from each other,
to pass on information,
to educate, to challenge and to be challenged,
to network, to participate, make your first movie,
or simply to enjoy watching films for hours and days!”

The diverse programme of queer d.i.y. films, artist talks and workshops is online at the Entzaubert festival site. The above short video by Freya Steadman is among the videos which will be screened at the festival.