Spence, Jo – Art Books, Monographs and Biographies

Spence, Jo

Cultural Sniping: The Art of Transgression
by Jo Spence
ISBN: 0415088844
Alibris.com: “Jo Spence was one of Britain’s pioneering photographers. Born into a working-class London family, she worked for many years as a studio photographer. Her political concerns led to documentary photography. Soon after completing her degree in the theory and practice of photography, she discovered she had breast cancer. Through her struggle to come… ”

Jo Spence Beyond the Perfect Image. Photography, Subjectivity, Antagonism
by Spence (Author),‎ Jo (Author),‎ Ribalta (Author),‎ Jorge (Author),‎ Dennet (Author),‎ Terry (Author),‎ Wilson (Author),‎ Siona (Author),‎ Roberts (Author),‎ John (Author),‎ Zita Grover (Author),‎ Jan (Author)
Publisher: Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (1 Jan. 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 8489771170
ISBN-13: 978-8489771178

Jo Spence: The Final Project
by Terry Dennett (Author),‎ Clarissa Jacob (Author),‎ Amy Tobin (Author),‎ Louisa Lee (Editor)
Publisher: Ridinghouse (9 July 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1905464819
ISBN-13: 978-1905464814

by Richard Greenhill, Margaret Murray, and Jo Spence (editor)
Publisher: MAcDONALD
Date Published: 1977
ISBN: 0356060101

Putting Myself in the Picture
by Jo Spence
Real Comet Press, The, Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Published: 1988
ISBN: 0941104354
Alibris.com: “Photographer Jo Spence challenges the assumptions of conventional photography in this groundbreaking visual autobiography, which traces her journey from self-censorship to self-healing.”

Putting Myself in the Picture: a Political, Personal and Photographic Autobiography
by Jo Spence
Publisher: Camden Press Ltd, London, United Kingdom
Published: 1986
ISBN: 0948491140

What Can a Woman Do With a Camera? Photography for Women
by Jo Spence (editor) & Joan Solomon (editor)
Publisher: Scarlet Press
Published: 1995
ISBN: 085727077X

NB! The fact that an artist is mentioned in Feminine Moments’ bibliography it is of course no guaranty that she will be lesbian, bisexual or queer tomorrow, nor that the authors of the above books are “out and proud” in their writings…