DIY Photo Book Launch In London

Photographers’ Gallery, London, 5 – 6 June 2010 11:00, a weekend showcase of 50 exceptional contemporary DIY photo books, selected by Bruno Ceschel. A talk, and signings throughtout the weekend, will provide an opportunity for art book lovers to discuss, admire and buy publications originating from around the world. From the more obscure zines assembled in student bedrooms to impeccably printed photobooks, Self Publish, Be Happy Weekend will offer inspiration and happiness for everybody.

The Boy and The Twins

Queer Photographer Åsa Johannesson will launch her new book ‘The Boy and The Twins’, and Sunday at 1–2pm Åsa will be signing books.

Åsa Johannesson was born in 1979 in Växjö, Sweden. After moving to London she studied Photographic Arts at University of Westminster where she graduated in 2006. A year later, in 2007, she started MA Photography at the Royal College of Art, where she graduated in 2009. Åsa has received several awards for her work, which has been exhibited internationally and was also shortlisted for the Deutsche Bank Award 2009. She now lives and works in London.

Related Link

Åsa Johannesson’s website