Jonathan Weinberg Paints a Portrait: Michela Griffo (2022)

Video (1:14:50): Jonathan Weinberg paints a portrait of artist and lesbian activist, Michela Griffo’s portrait on July 1, 2022 in his New Haven studio and we have a conversation about her amazing life and career.

About the Michela Griffo

Michela Griffo, a long-term queer feminist activist and a visual artist, is based in New York. She came of age on the piers and streets of New York City in the 1950s and 60s. She was an early member of the Redstockings and a founding member of the Radicalesbians, Lavender Menace and the Gay Liberation Front. She has exhibited her artworks widely since the early 1970s. Her works have been included in a number of queer art shows, such as the traveling group exhibition Art After Stonewall: 1969-1989 by Leslie-Lohman Museum (2019-2020) and QUEER FORMS, Katherine Nash Gallery, Minneapolis, MN, (September 2019).

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