Lesbian Art Herstory – Jeanne Mammen

Weimar – Jeanne Mammen by f.fiorellino

Jeanne Mammen (1890-1976) watercolorist, painter, printmaker was born in Berlin, grew up in Paris where she got her fine arts education, and she lived most of her adult life in Berlin.

“Working in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s, Jeanne Mammen (1890-1976) produced graphics, including nude and semi-nude female figures, for gay and lesbian periodicals. With the coming to power of the anti-gay Nazis, the queer side of Mammen’s illustrating career ended.” (…)

‘”For lesbian and other feminist magazines published in the free environment of 1920s Berlin, Jeanne Mammen created numerous illustrations of the women’s club “scene,” which prominently featured lesbian sex workers.” – glbtq.com

In the spring of 1933, the Nazi press labeled Mammen’s artwork as “Jewish” and banned publication of her series of eight lithographs illustrating Peter Louys’ “Les Chansons de Bilitis,” an exploration of lesbian love.

The blog Butch in Progress has published a post titled Jeanne Mammen (1890 – 1976) with a series of Jeanne Mammens lovely illustrations of lesbian life in Berlin.

Jeanne Mammen - Selected Bibliography
“Ich möchte eine Mönchskutte haben”: Askese im symbolistischen Frühwerk von Jeanne Mammen by Carolin Leistenschneider (Jul 2010), Ibidem-Verlag (July 2010), ISBN-10: 3838200535, ISBN-13: 978-3838200538

Jeanne Mammen, 1890–1976: Monographie und Werkverzeichnis. Jörn Merkert ed., Cologne: Wienand, 1997.

Jeanne Mammen: Aquarelle.Gustav Petermann Druckerei (1971), ASIN: B0050JQCJO

JEANNE MAMMEN, 1890-1976: GEMALDE, AQUARELLE, ZEICHNUNGEN. by Klara et al. Drenker-Nagels. Wienand (1997). ISBN-10: 3927873519, ISBN-13: 978-3927873513

Jeanne Mammen, 1890-1976 (Bildende Kunst in Berlin, Band 5) by JEANNE-MAMMEN-GESELLSCHAFT, Cantz (1978). ASIN: B0011GLWFE

Jeanne Mammen, 1890-1976: Monographie und Werkverzeichnis by Jeanne Mammen.
Wienand (1997). ISBN-10: 3879094691, ISBN-13: 978-3879094691

Jeanne Mammen, 1890-1976: Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Lithographien (Schriftenreihe der Hans Thoma-Gesellschaft). Georg Reinhardt. ASIN: B0000EAPPT

Three Berlin Artists of the Weimar Era: Hannah Hock Kathe Kollwitz Jeanne Mammen,
Edmundson Art Foundation (Jun 1994)
ISBN-10: 1879003104, ISBN-13: 978-1879003101

Related links
Jeanne Mammen (1890 – 1976) by the blog Butch in Progress with a series of Jeanne Mammens illustrations of lesbian nightlife in Berlin.

Music video: A nostalgic tango by German composer Friedrich HOLLÄNDER (1896-1976) and Die Weintraubs: Marion-Tango, 1928, illustrated with a slide show of Jeanne Mammen’s drawings.