Are you missing your Blackbird fairytale?

Essay and illustration by quest blogger and artist Jannica Honey.
‘What about the one about The Princesses & The Green-eyed Stinky Troll? What are you longing for …

Instagram Censors Artworks Showing the Female Body

Text and photos by guest blogger, photographer Jannica Honey: The first strike happened in 2016. My pregnant friend was immediately removed and a 30 days ban was put in place on my Instagram account. …

The Stockholm Syndrome

‘I am not sure who you are but I recognise you’, essay and image by guest blogger Jannica Honey.

What is the “thing” with naked bodies in nature?

Guest blogger and photographer Jannica Honey has joined Feminine Moments where she will be sharing a series of her writings. Her blog post explores the question, what is the “thing” with naked bodies in nature?

Grab ’em by the Pussy

Essay and images by Jannica Honey. “Inside my Edinburgh flat, it was hot. Glasgow based artist Elizabeth and I was busy gazing at each other over zoom. …”