Clarity Haynes in Conversation with Hrag Vartanian and Amy Smith-Stewart (2021)


Video (57:54): Clarity Haynes in Conversation with with Hyperallergic co-founder, art writer, critic, and curator Hrag Vartanian and Senior Curator Amy Smith-Stewart about her works, especially her altar paintings. Clarity Haynes’s ongoing Altar series — tromp l’oeil paintings of homemade queer feminist shrines she composes in her studio. This virtual conversation, published by The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum took place on Tuesday, August 24, 2021.


Birth Altar, 2020-2021 oil on canvas 64″ x 63″, 2021 and Altar for Femme Joyoil on canvas44″ x 44″, 2020 by Clarity Haynes.

[The copyright of the video above remains with the original holder and it is used here for the purpose of education, comparison and criticism only.]