Queer Photography

Queer Photography

Queer photographer Tammy Rae Carland, USA, has studiet lesbian beds… and they are all unmade just like my bed. It makes me feel better to know that unmade beds can be turned into fine visual memories. All it takes is a creative eye and a camera. Related Link Tammy Rae Carland’s online…

Lene Leth: Queer Mobile Computing

Lene Leth: Queer Mobile Computing

Lene Leth Rasmussen is a Danish designer based in Copenhagen. She is interested queer interaction design and mobile computing. Lene feels that queer subcultures need physical meeting places, however a place can’t be queerified in one go as the queer stories of a place must be heard and retold again and again before they become a…

Catherine Opie at The Guggenheim Museum

If you are planning a trip to New York this autumn, I think that a visit to Catherine Opie’s exhibition “Catherine Opie: American Photographer” at the Guggenheim Museum is a must for any lesbian. Queer photographer Catherine Opie’s mid-career retrospective gathers works from many of Opie’s well known series, starting…

A Quote

“To represent one’s self is, after all, the artist’s job.” – Deborah Kass The quote is from the book “The Warhol Project” by Deborah Kass, 1999, Newcombe Art Gallery, ISBN 0-9668595-0-2.

What Is The Purpose of Art?

Traditionally art has had the role of being society’s eye opener. Art must make strong statements and spark a cultural debate. Debates about new issues can lead to change just like new technology, and thus art may lead to new trends and be an agent in the process of change in…