Birthe Havmøller – Artist’s Statement

“A hill is a hill until you see it as a holy mountain and a sacred place belonging to our ancestors.” – Birthe Havmøller
Illustration: How to cut a cloud into two halves (2023) by Birthe Havmøller

Feminine Moments 2003-2023

Birthe Havmøller: I am a pioneer queer feminist art blogger. I celebrate the 20-year anniversary of Feminine Moments today. Read my story about the queer feminist art visibility project and art blog.

Christmas Calendar Image by Birthe Havmøller

1. December 2021. Fisken i udyrets/søuhyrets mund / The fish in the mouth of the sea monster from Birthe Havmøller’s series ‘Magi for Øjnene’/’Magic for Your Eyes’, 1990.

Birthe Havmøller in Aarhus

I have shared a moment with one of Zanele Muholi’s bold self-portraits from her series ‘Somnyama Ngonyama, Hail the Dark Lioness’.

Happy 8th March, 2021!

Birthe Havmøller: I am an alternative feminist – an arts activist. I promote queer feminist artists and their art projects. Happy 8th March, 2021!

Artist Book by Birthe Havmøller

Birthe Havmøller: Jeg går i cirkler omkring mit hjem/ I walk in circles around my home. Self-published artist book by Birthe Havmøller (2020-21).

Feminine Moments’ bibliography

I have updated Feminine Moments’ bibliography and given it a new format. I have also looked at the queer feminist art books on my bookshelf.

Feminine Moments Goes to Stockholm

“Feminine Moments” – Birthe Havmoeller, Denmark
Thursday October 12, 2017 at 17.00 hrs.
Venue: Föreningen Norden, Drottninggatan 30, Stockholm (T-ban Centralen)